Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lace Pillowcase

 (I apologize for the poor quality photos!)

I'm on my vaca so I've been trying to get in as many craft projects as I can.  We decided not to go anywhere so we can save up for a gigantic vaca to Europe next spring/summer!  Ahhh!  So excited!

Anywho... I've made these pillow covers 4 times now.  (They make great gifts!  This pair is going to my lil sis as a matter of fact!)  They are very cheap to make and add a personal touch to a bedroom.    This is the first time that I made it with a lace trim so you can certainly leave it out and it will still look fantastic.  I found THIS great tutorial at Carolina Fair Designs.  This is a wonderful beginner's project.  I've even seen it on lists of sewing projects for small kids to help out with.  So you can definitely do this.

There is actually another really good Tutorial from MADE which gives you the chance to add a contrast fabric.  It just adds a couple extra steps but seems very easy as well.
I'm just a lazy person.  With the first you just get 2 yards of fabric and cut it in half.  With the second option you need a little more forethought. 

I hope you make them!  It really is so easy!

Do what brings you joy!


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